
Brother, Do you know how many people make new years resulation every year ? yet how many people are able to stick to their terms ? The answer is only 6% manage to actually change their lives long term. But what’s the relation of Neuroplasticity and new year resulation ?

To understand the nuroplasticity, we first need to get familiar with some key words that will create the background to understand this phenomenon

Neural pathways :- Neural pathways are the connections that form between the neurons in your brain. think of it like billions of road to take from point A to point B. and if you eat a apple it means a you choose a specific road, if you go for gym it’s a another specific road

What is Neuroplasticity?

In simple terms, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change. With time and experience the changes take place in brain which means that your brain now and a week ago is actually different.

  • A specific aciton creates a specific pathway between neurons
  • when you take a action like going to the gym for the first time in a while, it causes your brain to choose a new road from those billions but since its a newly choosen road, the path that has not used before or used after a long time. it creates very weak pathways in your brain and you are very unlikey to do the task again. So, you have to do the task again and again to make the pathways strong and it will eventually turn into a habit like how you use phone first thing in the morning.

Let’s try to understand it with a few analogy,

  • if you used to write things using right hand then starting a action or a habit is something like you started writing usind left hand. it’s so difficult to write even a letter. (writing using right hand is easy becouse the pathway is strong but in case of left hand that’s not the case so its difficult, so every habit is difficult to start). now, someone might ask, how do we got the habit of scroling reels? the reaon is saimple, its physicially easier to do. So less mental friction to start insted of studying where there is a lot to do, and it releases a lot of dopamine which motivates your brain to do it again and again, (Psychologically it creates a sence of uncertainty and many more that i will talk in other blog)
    for now jusr understand it like this when you starts writing through left hand someone gives you a Chocolate and tells you the more you do it the more Chocolate will be given to you, so you start writing though left hand despite it’s difficult becouse of Chocolate(Dopamin in example of scroling the reels)
  • Suppose you have 4 different coloured ball
    9 red
    4 White
    2 Black
    5 Green
    if you try to pick randomly which ball has the highest probablity of getting choosen ?
    it’s red right ?
    lets understand how it’s related to neuroplasticity
    when you try something new (like going to the gym), it’s like a new colour ball. If you repetedly do it that refers to the numbers, the more you do it the more it increases the probablity of you doing that thing again. with time, when the number of new coloured coloured ball surpasses others. Congratulations, YOU DID IT, you made a new habit
  • You need to remember that your old habit doesn’t vanish but the new one dominate the old one. old behaviour becomes your DEFAULT you !
    lets understand with an example,
    You have a habit of running for some time in the morning. in this case Running is your default reaction in that time, so you will get a urge to run at that time and time, previous action and a specific place are the cue to do a action.

Remember, you will get the urge of quiting the new thing that you have started, since the old habit dominates the new one, but you have to Actively pust it.

this post it all about the theores of what neuroplasticity is and how it works. i hope Everyone is able to understand it, if you have any query, please ask it below.

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